12 Best Playstation 2 Boss Battles

7. Vergil - Devil May Cry 3

This boss fight is one for the hardcore gamers. Many people have completed Devil May Cry 3 and probably didn€™t have much of an issue with the boss battles. Yes, when you play the game on easy/normal mode it is a bit of a cake walk, but those difficulties were only invented so people could actually manage to see the full story. It's when you tackle some of DMC3's higher difficulty modes that it starts to get really fun. After Easy and Normal difficulty there is Hard and Very Hard where the enemies are dramatically stronger and you're far weaker, but after that is where the men are separated from the boys. The penultimate difficulty is Dante Must Die mode, where every enemy is ridiculously strong and more spawn per room. It's this mode where fighting Virgil is totally list-worthy - the battle is gruelling and it takes a total controller ninja-master to get through! If all that wasn't hard enough, there's Heaven And Hell mode where everything dies in one hit - including Dante - which is something few manage to see the other end of with their sanity intact.
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