12 Best PS4 Exclusives Of 2017 (So Far)
12. Gravity Rush 2
Gravity Rush 2 is everything a gaming sequel should be: it's bigger, better-looking, and irons out a lot of the pesky issues fans had with the original.
While the camera and controls could still use some work, and a few sections of the game do give in to monotony, for the majority this is a total blast to play, thanks to Kat's new array of abilities and a deeper, more fleshed-out story.
Side content also feels much more meaningful this time and less arbitrary for the most part, making it easy to get 50+ hours out of this thrilling distaff adventure in no time.
Sadly, the game was a sales flop due to its atrocious marketing outside of Japan, so this is probably it for the series. Even if so, it's a damn fine effort to go out on.