12 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018 (So Far)

2. Watching Metal Gear Survive Be A Massive Flop

Metal Gear Survive

Never before has an entire fanbase actively revelled - celebrated, even - when an instalment in their beloved series fails.

And why? Because following the fallout between Hideo Kojima and Konami, the latter still had the rights to the Metal Gear Solid franchise.

With no creatives left to speak of, they set about butchering it; crowbarring in as many microtransaction and money-hungry elements as possible, to cash in on those remaining fans who might not have heard the news.

Thankfully, MG Survive bombed. Despite being a digitised f**k you for those who'd stuck by the games for 30 years, actual gameplay was a repetitive, utterly soulless slog.

Good on everyone. Give yourselves a pat on the back for showing corporatised gaming the middle finger.

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God of War
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