12 Best Video Game Storylines Ever

11. Bioshock Infinite

The mind-bending, time-travelling story of Bioshock Infinite took a sharp turn away from the themes of the legendary first game, sweeping players up in more ways than one into a majestic world of wormholes, multiverses and religious zealotry. As in the previous entry, the plot is driven by another father/surrogate daughter pairing of Booker and Elizabeth. While the player, as Booker, is determined to complete their seemingly straightforward goal of saving 'the girl', it soon becomes clear that things are way, way more complicated than they appear, and that there are forces far beyond your control that you end up being swept up along with, rather than in control of. By the end of the game, when things get seriously inter-dimensional, you're forced to sombrely accept that you are simply a crucial gear in the machine of destiny, unable to escape the demons of your past. You go from being a high-flying hero who 'saves the girl' to a passive being who's left with no choice but to accept whatever fate must occur, thanks to some massively consequential cogs you first set in motion. Buy BioShock Infinite

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.