12 Classic Things Most Modern Video Games Are Missing
9. Awesome Cheats
One of the great joys of gaming as a kid was getting a brand new game and then buying the latest gaming magazine to find out all the insane cheat codes developers had programmed into it. Who can forget classic cheats like DK Mode in Goldeneye 007 (which made every character's body type resemble Donkey Kong), and the plethora of nutty options in the earlier Grand Theft Auto games? In essence, the Internet has ruined cheats for most games, in large part because of the introduction of achievements and trophies, a system which would of course be invalidated if cheats could be used to unlock them. Though a few games (such as Saints Row IV, pictured above) do allow cheats that simply deactivate auto-save and have no bearing on trophies, they're in the distinct minority, and simply, most devs just can't be bothered with cheats now that there's a hurdle in their way, with "cheevs" essentially discouraging both content creators and players.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.