12 Classic Things Most Modern Video Games Are Missing

7. A Complete Game That's Actually Complete

Back in the day, you bought a video game and that was pretty much it. In the late 1990s, perhaps a popular enough game might have also had an expansion pack release, but today, video games are being compartmentalised and sold to gamers a piece at a time. Gamers will pay £40-50 for the initial title, and immediately be inundated with press releases about additional day-one DLC, and season passes for £30 for a glut of new content down the line. While it's fair to say that much of the content gamers see as DLC these days simply didn't exist during the pre-Internet gaming days, it's also fair to say that many developers are curtailing content developed during the course of the regular game in order to milk players of more money. For starters, devs should at least present the pretense of creating this content separately, and as such on-disc and day-one DLC are both an insult to everyone: at least wait a few weeks before trying to peddle it to gamers on top of the asking price for the initial game. It would be a mistake to demonise all DLC, considering plenty of it is both worth the money and feels like a natural extension of an already complete game. On the other hand, look at Destiny's The Dark Below DLC, which costs £20, adds a mere two experience levels of play, a handful of story and side missions, a new Raid, a new Strike and 3 new multiplayer maps. Is all that really worth almost half the retail price of the full game? And given how lacking the initial product was, is there really a fair argument that all this content shouldn't have just been included in the final game anyway? It's greed, pure and simple, and as gamers, everyone has a responsibility to push back against it rather than enabling these practices with their wallets.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.