12 Creepiest Video Game Easter Eggs

10. The Witch Cameos In Payday: The Heist

The Payday games are a series of super fun cooperative multiplayer first-person shooters with an emphasis not on killing everything in sight, but robbing banks. You put together a team and try to execute a series of increasingly difficult heists, with the emphasis on getting in and out without incident. Which often doesn't happen, but you try your best. Whilst the second in the series has reached more mainstream attention the first was a relatively small cult hit, helped immeasurably by sales on the Steam PC gaming platform. Perhaps as a particularly prescient shout out to Valve the developers included a creepy Easter egg in the No Mercy mission, one of the few where the stealthy approach is designed to fail and you end up in an all-out fire fight with the cops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLBr3vU-6UE As if that wasn't tense enough, the power starts to flicker as you're racing around a hospital that's full of hostages which the cops have already started to free, and you need to hot foot it out of there whilst resisting arrest and not getting shot down in a hail of bullets. But what's that strange crying sound coming from that room...? Peeking through the glass of a locked door after a second power cut will reveal the weeping form of The Witch, one of the more terrifying enemies from Valve's zombie shooter Left 4 Dead. Don't stand too close to the glass, however, or you might die of fright before the police have a chance to get to you...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/