12 Dumbest Video Game Plot Reveals Since 2010

2. Ramsay Kills Ethan Forrester - Game Of Thrones

Game of thrones ethan ramsay

Another 'huge amount of buildup leads to nothing at all' feeling, and it's clear Telltale wanted to kick off their Game of Thrones spin-off with a bang. Or rather, a blade to the neck.

Building off the notion that Ramsay Snow is one crazy son of a gun, come the close of the first episode, you'll square off against him as young Ethan Forrester, really getting a feeling for what it's like to tangle with one of the most hated characters in GoT history.

Then he randomly kills you, and that's that.

An entire episode's worth of narrative choices, "[Insert character] will remember that" pop-ups and general immersion washed away, all for the sake of establishing Ramsay as a catalyst for chaos - despite not being able to do anything interesting with him afterwards.

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