12 Most Epic Character Introductions In Gaming History

7. Everyone (Tekken 2)

When it comes to the beat 'em up genre, they rarely focus on one character specifically, and so their intro sequences will often be action-packed montages of the various fighters strutting their stuff and showing off their awesome skills. Arguably the all-time best sequence of such is in the brilliant Tekken 2, which begins with Heihachi climbing to the top of a rain-soaked cliff. Some funky and distinctly Japanese music plays out as we glimpse the characters in their elements: Paul riding a bike, Jun keeping an eye out, Lei getting blown out of a window John Woo-style, Michelle getting ready to avenge her tribe, Yoshimitsu testing out his metal hand, Nina looking sexy, Marshall Law training (pictured above), Jack on the hunt and King obtaining his identity. The sequence ends with an awesome flash through all of these characters once again, along with those who apparently weren't quite epic enough to get their own sequence on the intro, namely Nina's younger sister Anna. Even though Tekken 3 improved upon this game in pretty much every way, Tekken 2 still has the better, more exciting intro sequence.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.