12 Most Epic Character Introductions In Gaming History

5. Rinoa, Squall, Seifer & Edea (Final Fantasy VIII)

Final Fantasy VII is frequently praised for its incredible opening cut-scene, but in the eyes of many it's completely outdone by the eighth game, which boasts a breathtaking, 3-minute intro which gets us to know Rinoa, Squall, Seifer and Edea: pretty much everyone important in the scope of this magnificent game. At the time, the opening shot of a beach was probably the most photo-realistic image in a game, and has held up pretty well. Much like Shadow of the Colossus, it's all about creating the right mood: we see Rinoa in a field of flowers, before the scene cuts to an epic duel between Squall and Seifer, inter-cut with shots of Rinoa and Edea. Finally, it ends on a montage of images as Squall and Rinoa prepare to embrace (pictured above). The epic music and the insane quality of the animation combine to create a goosebump-raising experience, both now and back when it first wowed us in 1999. It's difficult to imagine these characters being introduced in a more mind-blowing way (even if Squall did end up being a bit of an annoying emo in the end).
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.