12 Greatest Real Time Strategy Video Games Of All Time

2. Starcraft (1998)

When Blizzard€™s phenomenally popular Starcraft was released on that fateful day in the March of 1998, the face of RTS gaming would be changed forever - this quintessential RTS game is what immediately comes to mind when someone mentions the genre. Over the course of this list we have discussed how having unique units for each of an RTS game€™s armies is an essential aspect of making an awesome RTS game €“ Starcraft is widely credited as being the pioneering master which first implemented properly distinct factions in the genre all those years ago and is still thought by many to have done it the most successfully. Indeed, the balance and diversity achieved by Blizzard in creating their three races is a thing of beauty €“ from the all-rounders, the Terran, to the elite-but-expensive Protoss and finally the swarming Zerg. It is because of this incredible gameplay based on these three unique races that Starcraft was a commercial success and remains played all these years later, shipping 9.5 million units worldwide with 4.5 million of these being sold in South Korea where arenas are used to allow fans to watch elite players at work (USA Today). Starcraft is quite clearly the behemoth €“ or the Zerg Ultralisk if you will €“ of the RTS genre so how on earth have we not found it in ourselves to not give it the number 1 spot? You€™re about to find out why€
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.