12 Greatest Real Time Strategy Video Games Of All Time

5. Supreme Commander (2007)

Supreme Commander is what the HQ Monaro GTS is to a car enthusiast €“ it may not have the same universal appeal as a Ferrari or a Mercedes but to a select group it is one of the best in the world. In the same way, Supreme Commander is an RTS-fanatic€™s RTS game €“ it€™s simply not going to be for everyone. The spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, the game€™s learning curve is so steep that those uninitiated with the genre will likely drown in the game€™s complicated controls, sprawling maps and deep navigation systems. And boy, are those navigation systems deep €“ Supreme Commander pioneered the concept of being able to zoom out so incredibly far that you were able to see the whole map and thereby have a complete overview of your strategic situation. From here you can then zoom in close on any point in the battlefield to have a closer look at the action and admire your handiwork if you€™ve outfoxed an enemy. The game follows three futuristic factions €“ the United Earth Federation (or UEF), the Cybran Nation and the Aeon Illuminate €“ as they battle for energy and mass (the games resources). Supreme Commander has four technological tiers to indicate which stage in the game you€™re in. By far the most appealing is the fourth "experimental" tier which allows you to build the game€™s incredibly powerful units such as the highly dangerous Cybran€™s Monkeylord Spiderbot.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.