12 Harsh Truths You Don't Want To Admit About Video Games

8. You Will Probably Keep Buying Call Of Duty Every Year Without Fail (And Then Complain About It)

If there's one video game franchise that feels completely fatigued right now, it's Call of Duty. The series has been a sales juggernaut ever since 2007's ground-breaking Modern Warfare, though gamers have consistently complained ever since about Infinity Ward and Treyarch's failure to sufficiently deliver fresh gameplay experiences each year, such that by now, CoD's really just become an annualised franchise not unlike the FIFA titles. We're surprised Activision haven't started with "Call of Duty 2014" yet. Even as the series hit a creative low with last year's massively underwhelming Ghosts, it's still a relatively fun if familiar game to play, and so there's a good chance that if you bought it, you'll probably end up buying the next one, Advanced Warfare (which, in its defense, actually looks pretty good). As much as we rag on the series, it's a breezy shooter with an addictive online component, and more to the point, it's a game we can count on most of our friends buying too, so we'll always have someone to play it with. We'll almost certainly be moaning two months from now about how Advanced Warfare could have done so much more, but we know we won't sell it, and we'll have that money ready for next year's outing as well. Int his case especially, we really are the very cause of the problem we complain about.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.