12 Hidden Gem PS4/Xbox One Games You Must Play

5. Volgarr The Viking

Over to the Xbox One, and a title that thanks to coming out in the tail-end of 2014 when there were finally more games worth playing, ended up getting his little 2D slashing-self left behind in the rush. There's definitely a very primitive, over-pixellated look to everything which as mentioned earlier tends to put a rather large swathe of the gaming public off right away, but gameplay-wise this is as tight and proficient as they come - and that's without mentioning the unbelievably unforgiving difficulty level alongside. Volgarr's attacks are pretty wide-reaching once you get the hang of them, but in a Ghosts n' Goblins kinda way if you've managed to procure a shield, one whack from an enemy grunt will destroy it again - not to mention just how intimidating it can be trying to dodge a few screen-filled projectiles whilst killing whatever's bum-rushing you from the opposite direction. The element of pure controller-smashing fury is the biggest put-off here aside from the graphics, but if you're cut from the right type of cloth, this is one of the purest tests of your gaming mettle yet.
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