Choice is a great thing, and something modern gamers take for granted. If you were a kid growing up in the early millennia years or before you probably know the sting of getting suckered into playing a terrible game based on a movie because there simply wasn't a precedent to set expectations. The choice between playing something unheard of or playing a game based on Predator seemed like an easy, straight forward decision back in the days of NES. Today, only the bravest of souls, or the most die-hard fans, will play a film's game rendition without first reading the reviews. A movie's killer concept should be enough to make a great game, but sadly the opposite can be true. Sure, film-to-game adaptations are, for the most part, business decisions made to cash in on a movie's hype, but you would think that with a concept as good as Aliens something at least worthwhile could be wrought from the hellish fires of the bad games forge. Games based on monster movies seem similarly cursed: for every The Thing, the market is saturated with numerous failures that turned their iconic monster villains into Mister Magoos. If you're lucky, these experiences didn't ruin the movies entirely, but it does become a little harder to watch the raptors in Jurassic Park knowing there is a game in existence that allows you to blow them out of the sky in Space Invaders fashion. Here are twelve video games, which somehow similarly managed to turn their horrific cinema counterparts into laughably bad zoos of disappointment. If you were one of the poor souls who sat through these miserable journeys then prepare to be avenged...
aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: