6. Freddy Krueger - Nightmare On Elm Street (NES)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP3sWJIyu7E Over the years, the name Freddy Krueger has managed to sink a splinter in collective cultural psyche, putting a face on the popular boogeyman myth. When people talk about Wes Craven's knife-glove wielding child-killer they think of terror itself, some incredibly scary dreams from their childhood, and seven movies that are pretty ridiculous in hindsight. However, what they probably don't think about, is the NES game developed by LJN. This game, like most of the others on this list, is terrible, but like the Predator did an impressively horrific job of cheapening the villain. Here the master of nightmares jumps around aimlessly swiping the air with his glove at nothing as if he couldn't care less about defeating you. This boss has to be fought several times throughout the game and sadly he never gets better.
Michael Thompson
aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation
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