12 Insane Links Between Popular Video Games You Totally Missed

12. Uncharted 3 - The Last Of Us

Even though the game wouldn't release for another three years, this little easter egg from the opening section of Uncharted 3 shows Naughty Dog were already hard at work on The Last of Us - but considering the bar area you're in also contains a pretty brutal fight scene, this is very easy to miss. Having the name as 'The Overseer' is a riff on the well-respected UK newspaper The Guardian, and as the UK are traditionally thought to be a nation of animal-lovers, the above headline of 'Why we love our pets' is just icing on the cake. Come 2013 they'd continue the trend, sticking some pretty noticeable knitted dolls of Jak and Daxter on the shelves of one of the houses you'd visit, and tucking Nathan Drake himself away in the middle of a bunk bed. Now if they could only release these in time for Xmas, all will be right with the world.
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