12 Insanely Stressful Gaming Moments You'll Never Play Again

10. Any 'You Were Spotted, Restart' Stealth Section

You might have thought this was a byproduct of game devs trying to nail the whole 'stealth thing' back when Metal Gear and Splinter Cell took off, but then came The Order: 1886 and proved - like some horrible carrier virus mutagen - it'd found its way to next-gen too. Even last year's Thief - a game built to allow for multiple approaches and stealthy deviations away from the main path through a level - still fell back on a fail screen whenever a guard got too close to you. Needless to say it's even worse whenever a stealth section gets crowbarred into a genre where it truly doesn't belong - leaving only the stale stench of a developer trying to force some semblance of variety by having the enemies spot you from across the map if you're not hiding in just the right patch of shadow.
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