12 Levels That Made You Rage Quit Awesome Video Games

11. The Cemetery Gate - Ghostbusters: The Video Game

midnight fight express
Terminal Reality

Near the end of the game, Egon and the other Ghostbusters will ask you to break open a cemetery gate to let the ECTO-1 in.

Before you can do this, you’ll be attacked by a horde of stone angels. Because these spectres hide behind buildings and are often out of viewpoint, it's tough to blast them with a Photon Stream. When you do, you will be left exposed, allowing the remaining phantoms to chip away at your health. Because this section is so tough, you’re expected to die at least a dozen times.

But it’s not the ghosts themselves that make this part so frustrating – it’s Egon. Every time you restart this section, Egon will spout the same monologue to explain how to get through the gate. You can’t skip Egon’s speech, meaning you have to listen to it for a minute before facing the ghosts. By the time you heard Egon’s yarn for the tenth time, you want to smack him over the head with your Proton pack.

Do you know what makes Egon’s explanation more annoying? It’s totally unhelpful! Egon doesn’t tell you anything that you couldn't figured out yourself. If you faced the ghosts immediately after entering this area, this encounter would be far less irritating.


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