12 Most Hotly Anticipated Video Games You'll Need To Play In 2016

1. The Legend Of Zelda

The incredible power held by the 'Zelda' name in the games industry is all-encompassing and transcendent. Even if you don't own Nintendo's faltering Wii U, you'll be keeping at least one eye on the game's progress, curious to see how Nintendo have reimagined the places and characters that most of us have spent time with at one point or another. The latest, as-yet-unnamed, entry in the Zelda series is shaping up beautifully, combining elements of cel-shading with an art style that looks like a brighter, more animated version of that seen in Twilight Princess. The open world is the largest of any Zelda game yet, and the overworld is set to be completely seamless, pushing the Wii U hardware to its limit. We don't know much about the game in terms of story yet, but with the NX expected to come out later in 2016, we wouldn't be surprised to see a technically bumped-up version of the new Zelda released for Nintendo's upcoming console too. The Wii U version is expected to launch in Q1 2016. Have we missed any games that you're particularly hype for? Leave a comment and tell us what we're missing! Alternatively, have a go at writing for WhatCulture and letting the world know what you think.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.