12 Most Painfully Disappointing Video Game Boss Battles

11. Baby Reaper - Mass Effect 2


Oh God, the Baby Reaper. (You know, when you read that out loud it sounds like a line from a "so bad it's good" horror film).

Mass Effect 2 is rightly seen as one of the greatest games of the previous console generation, Its final suicide mission especially is a watershed moment in game design as everything you've done up until that point comes to play in one last, desperate assault on the enemy fortress. It's tense, thrilling, emotional...

And then you fight a giant Terminator rip-off at the end. (Or Big Fuzz from Contra 3, if you're a video game nerd).

It's not like Mass Effect didn't have effective bad guys of its own to pull inspiration from - the insectoid Collectors (whose base you are assaulting) and Lovecraftian Reapers would have made for a far less ridicuous-looking boss than the Baby Reaper and it's cheesy, unoriginal design.

Mass Effect 2's final boss is a disappointing example of how a game can get 99% right, but still leave a sour aftertaste by failing to stick the landing. (A sensation Mass Effect 3 would later replicate to a far greater degree).


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.