12 Most Painfully Disappointing Video Game Boss Battles

6. Mother Demon - Doom 64

In the above video, the actual fight against the Mother Demon begins at 00:34.

It ends six seconds later.

Yes, there's the argument that the above player is using the game's ultimate weapon but come on. A game's final boss should not be dispatched as if it were some random mook.

Presumably the justification for making this fight so laughably short is that the developers were hoping no-one would notice that the Mother Demon looks like someone stuck a deformed goat skull on Mr. Hanky and called it a day.

Doom, we love you, but please do better with your bosses.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.