12 Most Surprising Metacritic Scores Of 2018

2. Astro Bot Rescue Mission (90)

Astro Bot Rescue Mission
SIE Studio Japan

Talk about the big surprise of the year. Though anyone who played The Playroom's PSVR tech demo featuring Astro Bot surely saw the potential in the adorable mascot getting his own VR platformer, there was never any guarantee it would translate successfully to a fleshed-out AAA experience.

But thankfully, it sure did.

What a joy it is to say without any doubt whatsoever that a PSVR title is both one of the best and most creative games of the year, an endlessly charming platformer in the vein of Super Mario 64 that serves up one of the most tactile and immersive VR gaming experiences on any platform.

With its Metascore of 90, Astro Bot surpassed countless games with decidedly more hype to become one of 2018's best-reviewed efforts, and even went on to (rightly) win the "Best VR/AR Game" award at The Game Awards.

If you own a PSVR headset, you need to play this game.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.