12 Movies You Didn't Realise Were Just Ripping Off Video Games

3. Pandorum = Dead Space

The Video Game: Dead Space revolves around the protagonist, Isaac Clarke, who must fight his way through a spaceship infested with grotesque monsters all while an enigmatic backstory slowly comes into play. The Movie: Similarly, Pandorum is a psychological horror set aboard a spaceship filled with monsters out to kill the protagonist and a few supporting characters. There's a mystery cutting throughout the entire movie (specifically, what caused these mutated beasts to be created), and it also has a significant psychological component, just as Dead Space did. While plenty of this would suggest that the movie is simply borrowing from cult sci-fi flick Event Horizon (which was directed by this movie's producer, Paul W..S Anderson), it's the art style that really makes Pandorum feel like a Dead Space movie: the dark, claustrophobic sets, which help evoke a feeling of tension and paranoia throughout. Of course, it's worth noting that the movie's script was in production since the mid-90s, and the movie began filming before Dead Space was released, but it's entirely possible the production team saw the trailers and gameplay footage before shooting began and incorporated that aesthetic into the movie.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.