12 New Details You Didn’t Know About In 2016’s Remaining Video Games

8. New Batman: Return To Arkham Screens Finally Look Good Enough

batman arkham return

Back in June, Rocksteady unveiled the 'Return to Arkham' bundle; a 'remaster' of both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City that went down about as well as a waft of Joker Gas in a crowded room. Put bluntly, it somehow looked worse than the originals; the side-by-side comparisons and fades between both only highlighting that fact.

That led to Rocksteady and Warner Bros. delaying the project 'indefinitely', only for it to pop back up at the beginning of September (albeit subtly), now listed for an October 19th release.

I mean, it's Warner Bros., they weren't going to NOT cash in on something in-motion. Thankfully, this new date came with a handful of new screenshots, and whilst they don't help with things like frame-rate, at least they're touched up and polished enough to warrant a purchase if you've somehow not played these fantastic games just yet.

batman return to arkham
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Gaming Editor

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