12 New Details You Didn’t Know About In 2016’s Remaining Video Games

6. Dishonored 2 Will Be Around 16-20 Hours Long

Dishonored 2

Strangely, despite the first Dishonored being a resounding success with both critics and a small but dedicated fanbase, it doesn't feel like there's a whole lot of buzz around its mechanically-proficient sequel.

Regardless, a chance Tweet from director Harvey Smith stated that if he took his time, the game takes around "15 hrs on Hard", but that the team were "aiming at 12-20 hrs playtime (dependent heavily on play-style)", before saying that an average playtest "says more like 16-20 first time through."

Anything around 15 hours is more than a healthy enough runtime for the game overall, and considering the replayability inherent in revisiting every location and mix-matching your powers, chances are you'll get a ton more out of it in the long run.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.