12 Phenomenal Indie Games That Deserve Your Attention In 2015

4. Hotline Miami 1 & 2

One cannot simply choose one Hotline Miami game - they must both be experienced, and in sequence. Born from the genius minds of Jonatan Söderstöm and Dennis Wedin, they managed to execute on the age-old twin-stick shooter formula, but revitalised it with not only a game engine that demanded you play at light speed, but a fantastically rewarding and thought-provoking story, and easily the best game soundtrack there's been since GTA: Vice City. By focussing on an experience that rewards increasingly fast gameplay in tandem with lashings of gore, a consistent rollout of weapons and some supremely wince-inducing fatality-style finishers, you'll be clearing out hundreds of enemy gang members in a blur of bullets, the thumping soundtrack accentuating every second. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-awWHKaAgzg
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