12 Phenomenal Indie Games That Deserve Your Attention In 2015

2. The Banner Saga

Like Game of Thrones? Then you'll love The Banner Saga. HBO's overwhelmingly successful dark fantasy show has proven although Lord of the Rings-style fare is all well and good, there's something immediately engaging about the most desolate takes on the genre. As such, The Banner Saga tells the survivalist take of a group of humans siding with the horn-headed giants Varl - a truce formed out of them sharing one common foe - the demonic Dredge. Through XCOM/Final Fantasy Tactics-style turn-based combat, you'll encounter varying amounts of these destructive warriors out on your travels, whilst also micro-managing food resources for your expanding crew, talking to the members within, assigning abilities and stopping off for the occasional story event. Put together by Stoic, a development team comprised of three ex-Bioware guys, they bring a sense of narrative weight to everything that just feels immediately weighty and impactful. The story itself branches in multiple ways at some very key points, and as you choose to leave or support other innocents attempting to stay alive, late-game revelations on exactly what the Dredge are will flip everything on its head just for good measure.
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Gaming Editor

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