12 Ridiculous Video Game Movies You Didn't Know Were Happening

2. Metal Gear Solid

The Game: Hideo Kojima's immensely successful stealth action series, revolving around spy-spy Solid Snake (and his daddy, Big Boss) as they attempt to stop various threats to the world. Acclaimed as one of the most inventive, intelligent and ambitious video game franchises of all time, all four core entries to date are solid gold classics. The Movie: Sony Pictures Entertainment will distribute this movie to be produced by comic book movie moguls Avi and Ari Arad, while Jordan Vogt-Roberts (The Kings of Summer, Kong: Skull Island) will direct. No screenwriter has been assigned yet, nor have any casting announcements been made, even though Kojima initially wanted Hugh Jackman to play Snake, while Christian Bale also expressed interest in the part. Why It's Ridiculous: Because any one of these games would be an absolute nightmare to adapt into a movie. The storylines are ridiculously long, the action is so over-the-top even the best VFX house will struggle to make it mesh well with live-action actors, and the eccentric tone will probably rub more mainstream audiences up the wrong way. In short, it's the sort of thing that desperately needs to remain a game because that's why it's so successful in the first place. A movie geared towards the mainstream (which it would need to be given the hefty budget required to get it right) would likely just dilute the essence of the property.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.