Video games can get a bit of a kicking from the press, who have blamed them for everything from childhood obesity to gun crime and everything in between. When you consider most coverage of the gaming in 2014 was centred on the events surrounding Gamergate, it's easy to see why the medium can be frowned upon. The stereotypical image of a gamer is changing too, but there can still be something of a stigma against grown men and women sitting down for hours at a time to enjoy their favourite titles. There are certain corners of the internet that share that negativity, but there's also a ton of stories out there about how gaming has helped people overcome great difficulty or just act as a safety blanket at a rough time. This is a celebration of those stories; a tribute to the industry and its fans who have found solace in their Playstation, Xbox or PC. It also serves as a reminder that not everything is political doom and gloom. Yes, there are people out there who want to push your buttons, cuss your mum, your dad and your dog, but the vast majority of gamers are just friends you haven't met yet. So, if you've had a naff day and need something to restore your faith in humanity, here's your 12-stop journey on the feels train. All aboard!