12 Things We Learned At The Game Awards 2016

10. Prey Lets You Become A Coffee Mug (Seriously)

Death Stranding Mads Mikkelsen
Arkane Studios

One of the most buzzed-about titles coming away from TGA 2016 was Prey, the franchise reboot which clearly has something to prove going by the impressive trailer and gameplay footage that was subsequently posted online.

The trailer further introduced audiences to protagonist Morgan Wu, who finds himself facing off against supernatural monsters on a space station, but he thankfully has quite the set of skills and tools to defend himself.

The player can use a glue cannon to help reach otherwise inaccessible areas, fling a black hole grenade at enemies to swallow them out of existence, and most amazingly, mimic certain objects in the vicinity, such as in this case a coffee mug, in order to reach an area Morgan otherwise has no access to.

If these abilities can be combined in imaginative ways, Prey could be something really special. It certainly looks like an impressive mating of Bioshock and Dishonoured, anyway.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.