12 Things You Didn't Know About Fallout: New Vegas

11. The Narrator Is An Actual Hidden Character (Kinda)

One celebrity I missed off that list is Ron Perlman, because while he is a big deal, he's always reprised his role as the narrator across the Fallout series.

An in-game face has never been put to the voice though, and he's acted as the invisible, omniscient god of the universe for years. However, through a bug, players realised they could break out of New Vegas' ending slideshow sequence to find a character they were never meant to see: Ron the Narrator.

He's just a placeholder character so that Ron Perlman's voice could be played in game rather than a cutscene, but he does kinda look like someone Ron Perlman would voice, bar maybe the Centurian armour.

There's actually one of these placeholder characters in all the DLC slideshows, which you can check out in the video above.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3