12 Things You Didn't Know About Half-Life 2

10. G-Man Is Never Referred To As G-Man

Half Life 2

G-Man is undoubtedly the most enigmatic character in Half-Life. Acting as an inter-dimensional bureaucrat, this mysterious character watches you across Half-Life and features prominently at the end, before taking a more active role in his interactions with Gordon across Half-Life 2.

Much like The Hood in Thunderbirds though, this mysterious character is never actually given a name in-game and the nickname refers to an American expression, “Government Man”.

G-Man has only been called this nickname in Half-Life 2’s credits and in interviews with Valve employees so far and his true name remains unknown, keeping his identity closely guarded and his real motives a mystery.

Its unlikely that Half-Life Alyx will shed any further light on this but considering Valve has mentioned that Alyx as “our return to this world, not the end of it”, we may yet find out more.

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Half Life 2
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