12 Unbelievably Shameful Times Video Games Tried To Be Sexy

9. Indigo Prophecy's Mannequin Sex Scene

Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy sex scene
Quantic Dream

Bless David Cage and his extraordinary, inconceivable access to making expensive video games.

Whilst I'll defend Heavy Rain all the livelong day, the first game that really put him on the map, Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit, has one of the worst, most mannequin-like sex scenes in gaming history.

Literally just seeing two non-animating faces rubbing against one another, the "sensual" scene culminates in a top-down camera angle as you flick the analogue stick to simulate thrusting.

Yup. This is what a good ol' sexytime looks like. Forget your candles, your nice meal or your actual human chemistry. In the words of Josef Fares, "This is the real sh*t".

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