12 Upcoming Video Game Movies That Could Destroy Tomb Raider

1. Firewatch

firewatch game
Campo Santo

And finally, we have by far the most unexpected video game movie on this list. If you haven't heard of Campo Santo's Firewatch, it's an especially diverting entry into the "walking simulator" genre.

The protagonist plays a fire lookout, who spends his days isolated in a Wyoming National Park with only a colleague on the other end of a walkie talkie for company.

It's a beautiful and totally surprising experience that subverts many of the expectations associated with this type of game. However, it was still a total shock when Campo Santo announced in late 2016 that production company Good Universe (Don't Breathe, The Disaster Artist) would be making a movie based on the game.

Given the company's prior works, it'll probably be on the lower-budget end of video game movies, but if it takes the same artful, slow-burn approach to its material as the game did, this could be the first ever art-house video game movie. It probably won't ignite the box office, but positive reviews are far more likely.

Which upcoming video game movies are you most looking forward to? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.