12 Upcoming Video Games That Will Probably Be Delayed

2. Day Z

The Buzz: This ridiculously ambitious massively multiplayer zombie game has been in the alpha test stages since last December, and is readily available for play now. With a ludicrous degree of realism, there's no surprise the game has already sold millions of copies and has been announced for a PS4 release...eventually. Current Release Date: TBA Why It Will Be Delayed: Because this is most likely going to be one of those games that is never "finished" in the traditional sense. It will eventually be released, but patches will keep adding more insanely hardcore and gritty features to heighten the feeling of realism, and to that point, the developers will probably struggle to find a point at which they feel that the game is complete enough to officially release. One could easily imagine, especially with the additional PS4 development, that the game finally gets a release date which is moved a few times due to the realisation that something else can be added to augment the experience.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.