12 Video Game Genres That Desperately Need A Comeback

9. Stealth Games

The Genre: Metal Gear Solid, Thief, Hitman and Splinter Cell are just some of the franchises that helped popularise the stealth game, where the name of the game was sneaking rather than firing endless rounds of ammo. Stealth was rewarded with an easier path through the game, and the best entries in the genre wrung enormous suspense out of every movement you made. What Happened: In order to appeal to more casual audiences, the stealth genre has been progressively gimped over the years. The newer entries in each of the aforementioned series have all toned down stealth in order to allow less skilled players to beat the game with the Rambo approach. While the freedom to do either can be seen as commendable, it's also diluted the combination of fiendish difficulty and impeccable level design that made the earlier games in each franchise so great. Why It Needs A Comeback: Because games on the whole feel like they're getting progressively easier, what with hand-holding objectives and safety net save points. Sure, harder difficulties are there for a reason, but even so, most of these games have their infrastructure altered so much that it can't help but give you a helping hand regardless of difficulty.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.