12 Video Games Marketed Entirely On Boobs

1. Tomb Raider

The Boobs: And finally, it's the game that most people will associate with the phrase "video game boobs". What's the first thing most people think of when they hear the name Lara Croft? That's right, it's those ridiculous, gigantic triangular breasts she was saddled with during her earlier iterations, ones which horny teenage boys nevertheless wanted to see naked with the ever sought-after nude cheat (which, of course, turned out to be non-existent). Though in fairness, last year's reboot significantly toned down Lara's sexuality with a smaller chest and greaser focus on her as a human being, she's still an enduring sex symbol of the industry, and, well, she's still kitted out in a rather fetching tight tank top, so not all is lost. But Was The Game Any Good?: Of course, the vast majority of the Tomb Raider games are great fun (just pretend The Angel of Darkness doesn't exist), and any potential for Lara to be deemed sexist should surely be mitigated by the fact that she's also a landmark feminist character for the medium. Though she may initially have been designed to appeal to men, she ultimately made gaming more accessible for women, and without Lara, there wouldn't be anywhere near as many kick-a** femme fatales gracing our screens these days. Ms. Croft is a rare example of a video game heroine who gets to thrust her massive knockers in our face and pretty much get away with it, because she's also an awesome action hero and her chest isn't constantly spilling out of a latex catsuit or skimpy bra. She may be stacked, but she's also got more modesty than most of the other entries on this list. Are there any other video games sold largely on their boob-related content? Shout it out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.