12 Worst Video Game Movies Of All Time

10. Double Dragon

Alone In The Dark
Gramercy Pictures

There's a very simple tale at the heart of Double Dragon, the arcade beat 'em up - one of vengeance and fratricide. Seems your girl has been assaulted and taken by a colourful gang that sends you on a global chase to rescue her. After rescuing her, you fight your brother to death for the love of a girl.

Nevertheless, this was retconned in Part II and the following games. It's not exactly easy to root for a guy who brutally murders his brother for a girl, so one can understand Hollywood omitting that ending for something more kid-friendly. What they put in place, however, is confounding. Seems they thought throwing Andy Dick, a bleach-haired Robert Patrick, some magical rubbish about an amulet and sets that were clearly taken from the local laser tag room would coalesce in some sort of coherency

The film's setting and plot is oddly similar to Escape from L.A., which John Carpenter and Kurt Russell wrote while high; it follows two martial arts-loving brothers (Scott Wolf, Marc Dacascos) living in a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles after a disastrous earthquake who get wrapped up in a battle for the titular jewelry stopping evil Patrick from his really vague world domination plans.

All of this would be fine if the choreography were competent. the "future" less poorly drawn and the story not infuriatingly overcomplicated.

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Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.