12 Worst Video Games Of 2015

9. Alone In The Dark: Illumination

Remember Alone in the Dark? One of the original survival horrors that had atmosphere in spades, its very a name connoting your own personal worst fears? Yeah, it's now a third-person online shooter, because everyone knows 'Alone in the Dark; should translate into gameplay where you're buddying up with friends, Left 4 Dead-style. As you can expect, this got the same treatment as the terrible Punisher: War Zone movie tie-in FPS, seeing the franchise's characters and iconography stretched over a supremely bare-bones game engine that barely qualifies for the genre. The graphics were muddy, the controls serviceable enough but ultimately unrewarding, and the previous instalments that at least attempted to put narrative and character history to the forefront of the mystery itself, were completely discarded.
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