12 Worst Video Games Of 2015

8. Evolve

This is what you get, Turtle Rock Studios. You build a multiplayer-only game from the ground up "with DLC in mind", and the whole world folds their arms and waits for your creation to both impress them and justify itself. Turns out, it couldn't. Evolve certainly packed quite the visual punch, and there is a lot to like about playing as a group of hunters, all hunkered down in various sweaty jungles as you attempt to slay a monstrous beast. However... that was it. As was the case with Titanfall and Destiny at launch, this multiplayer-only setup (which granted, you can supplement with A.I. bots if you want to make it more like a 'single player experience') only hamstrings the game from the get-go. Multiplayer modes do not full games make, and although Evolve should've had within it the same devout 'grab some pals and try to survive' ethos of Left 4 Dead, it almost completely died off right after launch.
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