12 Worst Video Games Of 2015

10. Screamride

Microsoft really needed something to show off the Kinect earlier this year (before they fully admitted it just wasn't going to work), and thus, Screamride was the high-octane basket they were laying all their eggs in. When push came to shove though, the latter didn't respond - as once again the patented motion-controlling tech failed the product it was supposed to be backing up. Screamride wasn't an atrocious experience, and there's probably a handful of families out there that had a blast with it for an afternoon - but that was just it; nothing from the on-rails 'racing' sections to the weird destructible mode that saw you demolishing buildings felt remotely satisfying. In the end, even Microsoft themselves barely promoted this, as by the time it had came out they were fully committed to releasing the Xbox One without the Kinect, the all-new dashboard that would come later in the year wiping its existence from their personal history books for good.
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