12 Worst Video Games Of 2015

6. Godzilla: The Game

How do you mess up playing as the world's most famous radioactive lizard? By having him move with the speed of a corpse being blown up a hill, that's how. Thankfully, this article looks into how future developers could make a truly brilliant Godzilla game, but for now, this supremely ugly and shambling film tie-in is all fans have to play with. There's really not a whole lot to this you can't garner from a screenshot, sadly. You're tasked with playing as Godzilla as he embarks on thwacking all sorts of reinforced buildings and going fist-to-bullet with humanity's fiercest weapons. Other famous Kaiju like Mothra and King Ghidorah (alongside plenty more) show up to also get in on the action, but the whole thing just feels so insanely cheap. Areas themselves are awash in a palette of brown and grey, the buildings and other structures you'll be destroying are devoid of their own physics models, and essentially Godzilla's 2015 outing exists as the embodiment of what happens when a developer has zero competition to force perfection out of their own product.
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