12 Worst Video Games Of 2022

3. Babylon's Fall

Babylon's Fall

Because Babylon's Fall was co-developed by SquareEnix and PlatinumGames, this live service title should've been a smash-hit. Instead, the two gaming titans put together an indecipherable mess.

Now, PlatinumGame titles like Bayonetta allow the player access to new weaponry and mechanics as they progress, which prevents battles from feeling repetitive. Although a similar idea would've worked wonderfully here, PlatinumGames doesn't bother this time around. Because the battle system never evolves, enemy encounters get tiring before you finish the first section.

It's hard to tell the arenas and corridors apart, meaning you're destined to get lost over and over. Most of the enemies act the same, meaning you never have to adjust your strategy to fight. Also, it's so unclear what you're supposed to do, gamers couldn't figure out the function of the most basic items (What are those yellow orb thingys??)

Because of these unfixable issues, Bablyon's Fall was a travesty from Day 1. Because of its unsalvageable reputation, it's never reached more than 1,166 concurrent players. If you think that number sounds embarrassing, the PC version only had a single concurrent player two months after release. Even though Square attempted damage control by assuring players (or just the one player) the updates will fix everything, it's clear Babylon's Fall has... um... fallen.


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