13 Biggest WTF Video Game Moments Since 2010

8. Resident Evil 7 Gives Chris Redfield A Face Transplant

Resident Evil 7 Chris Redfield

Let's face it, Chris Redfield didn't even look human in Resident Evil 5. In fact, if he'd poured a tin of green paint over himself, there's every chance he'd have been mistaken for another, more incredible, hulk of muscle than the highly-trained cop he is in reality. Mastery over the art of boulder punching is already on his resume, after all.

Capcom was wise to take Chris off the steroids for his guest appearance at the tail end of Resident Evil 7, then, but would it have been so bad to at least carry over some sort of identifier to make it clear this wasn't some kind of doppelganger?

Given the way in which the scene is framed - Chris slowly lifts off his helmet in an act of revelation - Capcom clearly intended for the reveal to carry weight with long-time fans, but only after the fact, when the credits rolled, did it hit home who was staring back at us.


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.