13 Greatest Dying Words From Video Game Characters

11. Professor Von Kriplespac (Conker's Bad Fur Day)

The line: "Oh! I forgot about ze airlock! Oh! Sh*t! What the f**k?! Oh! I didn't put ze high powered boosters on my chair... I knew I should have done zat! Whose idea was it to go into space?? Oh! It was mine! Sh*t!!! This is it!! This is the end!! No legs! And now no life!" It's a strange thought when you're weighing up the gravitas of the above line versus that of another spewed from a character called The Great Mighty Poo, but here we are. The Professor's lines just edge it on hilarity alone, as come the final boss fight against a copyright-baiting Alien named Heinrich, you're fully expecting some sort of showdown with Kriplespac himself - only for his already fragile frame to be whisked away out the spaceship's airlock. Both the original Conker and the Xbox 360 re-releases have gone on to develop cult followings due to their extremely off-kilter and offensive humour, but the sight of an evil Nazi-esque weasel dictator being sucked out to space while swearing his head off is a damn special one regardless.
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