13 More Hardest Xbox One Achievements Of 2017

3. Work Complete - NBA 2k18

Call of Duty: WWII Zombie

Every single year there's an achievement in NBA 2K that seems impossible. For the past couple of years it's been an achievement that requires you to win 10 matches in the top tier of online multiplayer, which requires an absurd amount of skill and knowledge of the game. This year though, 2K have outdone themselves with Work Complete.

This achievement requires you to complete all checklist goals in MyTeam, and some of them are torturous even for the biggest basketball fan.

You're going to need to earn 3 stars in every single Domination game, which there are 99 of. You're going to have to be very good at the game online as you need to acquire top tier rewards in the Packs and Playoffs mode, good luck on that one. You need to acquire a Pink Diamond season prize in Super Max mode, again good luck. You also need to acquire every single challenge token reward, which is MISSABLE. if you haven't been playing the game from the start then you're screwed, as there's only so many challenge tokens to earn, which refresh every week.

The cherry on top is that you must complete challenges for all 30 teams in the NBA. Each team has 30, and each challenge must be done individually. This means you're going to have to play 900 games just to complete this task. That alone is about 300 hours of work.

Not a single person has unlocked this achievement, and it's really no surprise as it requires well over 1,000 games and hundreds and hundreds of hours of commitment.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.