13 Outdated PS1 Character Models That Used To Be Sexy As Hell

7. Liquid Snake - Metal Gear Solid

playstation ps1 female characters

The entire Metal Gear Solid series has never shied away from sexualising its female characters, but we'd be wrong to say that they've been the only ones to get the leery Kojima treatment over the years.

Liquid Snake in the first game is particularly sexualised, spending most of the third act shirtless and with the camera lingering on his toned bare chest to convey his supposed superiority as the "perfect" Big Boss clone.

But it didn't really work, because, come on, just look at those arms! Look at the natural, not-at-all-robotic way they're attached to his body. It's no wonder why they became such a pivotal plot point in later games, because they looked as though they could fall off at any time during MGS1.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3