13 Reasons 2019's Biggest Video Games Might Suck

11. The Low-Budget Development - Shenmue III

Shenmue 3
Ys Net

Why It Might Suck: If you forget the fact that Shenmue III is one of the most agonisingly awaited video game sequels of all time, there are a ton of red flags suggesting it's going to disappoint a lot of people.

Aside from the rather underwhelming smattering of clips and images released so far, the game is obviously being built on a far smaller budget than its AAA-tier predecessors. As such, it's sensible to expect a more linear, low-key experience than the gigantic sandboxes which are very much the norm today.

There's no denying the passion series creator Yu Suzuki is pouring into Shenmue III, but with such scant resources to work from, it's best to expect mediocrity and be pleasantly surprised if it's anything more.

Why It Might Not: Suzuki is at least taking his time with the game, which suggests it won't be a rushed cash-grab. Plus, if Shenmue III ends up feeling like a throwback, there will be many who will firmly embrace it as a charming nostalgia trip.

And maybe, just maybe, Suzuki will be able to find a delicate balance by delivering a smaller-scale project that nevertheless provides a heartfelt, nostalgic continuation of Ryo's quest for revenge.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.