13 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Pokémon

3. The Spin Off Games Are Mostly Terrible

Pokemon red blue

While Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Snap! are beloved classics in their own right, the same cannot be said for Pokémon Dash, or Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, or PokéPark, or Pokémon Puzzle League, or Pokémon Rumble, or a whole host of others.

The truth is, Pokémon has missed the mark more than once when it comes to spin off titles. In fact, while the series has arguably produced more failures than successes, the vast majority of these games were just utterly unremarkable, seemingly content with total mediocrity, competing with one another to see which could be forgotten the fastest.

It’s a shame, but Nintendo have never seemed interested in seriously expanding Pokémon beyond the main series. As these spin-off games demonstrate, the company seem perfectly content with just capitalising on brand recognition, eagerly slapping Pokémon on everything from Pinball to Tetris Attack in order to make a quick buck.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.